Directions to Bada

Directions to Bada Health Center

Use the map below to plan your route to Bada. Google maps does not locate Bada Health Center accurately, so we ask Google maps to find the bus station “Klättåsen, near Torsby, Sweden” which is next to Bada Health Center. Alternatively you can search for “Bada 75, Torsby” on Eniro maps if you are more comfortable with that.

Klättåsen, near Torsby, Sweden

For those who would rather have a description:

From Sunne: Drive towards Marbacka, just after Sunne turn left towards Lysvik. Pass Lysvik without turning off, continue for 8 km and you are in Bada. Turn right towards Rinn, drive 1 km and you will arrive at the Bada Health Center.

From Ekshärad: Drive towards Torsby. At Rinn, turn left towards Bada, follow the road to Bada Health Center.

From Mora: Drive 45: away from Gothenburg, just before Torsby turn left towards Ekshärad.
Drive about 1.1 km, turn right towards Lysvik. Follow the road until Bada. Turn left towards Rinn, drive 1.2 km and you will arrive at Bada Health Center.

From Oslo (and Kongsvinger): E6 to the next town, Highway 2 to Kongsvinger. At Skarnes continue straight through the roundabout. Kongsvinger: Follow Route 2 to the fifth roundabout and turn left at highway 20 towards Elverum. After about 12 km follow the signpost to Torsby, RV 200, in Sweden 239. When you come to Torsby, turn left at the large roundabout (towards Mora, RV 45), and after ca. 3 km continue on highway 239 towards Ekshärad / Hagfors. After about one km take the road towards Lysvik; drive ca. 10km to Bada and take the turning towards Rinn. One km to arrive at Bada Health Center!


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